Thursday 27 February 2014

Quiet, but on the move

Spring is in the air
Blackbirds now sing at first light
The wind is dropping

The last nights were cold
Early sun gave way to rain
(And hail, yesterday)

Yet still, there is change.
Spring it is a-coming in;
Needs to get a move on!  :)

Monday 24 February 2014


Scan results arrived.
A blue and white envelope.
I started to shake.

On opening it,
Brain could not comprehend words.
Deep breath! Try again

and it is ok.
Relief floods through me. I cry
but only briefly.

Into the garden
I stand in the warm sunshine.
The birds are singing.

Saturday 22 February 2014


Not yet Ides of March,
But beware, sister of mine!
Beware I tell you!!

flowers in February!!!!
It will soon set seed!!!!!

Beware I tell you!!!!!!
One plant will become hundreds!!!!!!!
Then where will you be????????

Thursday 20 February 2014


A few unkind words
And my world comes crashing down.
I want Dez back here.

But he can't be here.
I need to pick myself up
and keep on going.

Yes, I can do this
but I miss all that he was.
Life with him was fun.

Life can be fun now.
I need to work out how and
not expect too much.

Monday 17 February 2014

Monday morning faffing

Overcast today.
Church bells ringing in something -
First day of half term?

Paul is in training;
Prue off to collect her car;
Sarah to find arse.

Sans arse, one finds it
Difficult to get through life.
(And legs can drop off.)

Not sure where it went;
It was here all Janu'ry.
Then it buggered off!

No get up and go.
I have a round Tu-It, but
It isn't the same.

(Those things raise a smile
But don't have any effect
On motivation.)

Need to Get Stuff Done.
The sticks and carrots don't work;
It's arse or nothing.

[Note: for anyone boggling at the above, it stems from the phrase "I can't be arsed," that is, "I can't be bothered".  This led on to "I've lost my arse" as a description for the feeling of ennui that saps the desire to do anything, and things just went downhill from there.]

Sunday 16 February 2014


The sun is shining
But the wind is still chilly
Calm between the storms.

Post-breakfast spodding,
Trying to find my lost arse.
Think it might have drowned.

(Paul has just told me
Ash is a type of olive.
I am underwhelmed.)

The sun is nice, but
Outdoors is unappealing.
Blame the winter air.

Friday 14 February 2014

What? No car?

Friday ends early.
Record Office all went home.
Car locked in car park!

Padlocked barrier.
Number is withheld from us.
Paranoia rules.

I caught the bus home.
Four pounds fifty to my door.
I'm here. Car is there.

I'll bus on Monday
Then we'll be reunited
Little car and I.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Change the story?

Beat not yourself up!
Haiku blog's a bit of fun!!
Chill out, sister mine.

You want to write more?
Put it in your diary
for same day each week.

Only by doing
this will habit develop.
Give it its own time.

Honour haiku blog
the same as you would your work.
All needs attention.

The same old story

The blog is quiet.
Whole week without an update
Points to lack of arse.

I have no excuse.
Other things are going on;
But that's always true.

Lack of commitment:
Always my besetting sin.
Will try to improve!

Tuesday 4 February 2014


Sitting in silence
Birch bark pattern on curtains
Heralding fresh start.

The river flows on
I skate across the surface
Can't seem to break through.

It's all just weather.
Sit with patient endurance
Focus on the breath.

Sunday 2 February 2014


The end of the week.
No emails not even spam.
Silence is...Sunday.

Even spammers need
Time off to recuperate.
Spamming is hard work!

Monday tomorrow.
All computers will be on.
Spam will flow again.