Sunday, 5 January 2014

Save me from technology

Can't blog in IE,
Can't post comments in Firefox -
Bloody web browsers!

There's no doubt Google
Would rather we all use Chrome.
Buggy piece of crap.

Out to get us, and
Force us to use shite software.
Pass my tin-foil hat!


  1. Needless frustration
    From mindless fingers tapping
    Keyboards at Google.

    Your fire and brimstone
    A virtual volcano
    Errupting on screen

    Let us rise above
    This ugly flawed medium
    To create beauty.

    Or in other words
    B*gg*r the whole lot of them.
    Let's go our own way :D

  2. Best comment today!
    Amen to that one, sister.
    Haiku blog rocks on!
