Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Work still to do

Declutter daily
That's what the FlyLady said.
Well, I can but try...

As Yoda said, "Do,
Or do not; there is no 'try'."
So there is still mess...

(Though all is not lost:
Procrastination ensures
There is still haiku.  :-)

Tuesday, 21 October 2014


Cor, what a question!
"What is truth?"  Now you're asking.
Depends what you mean.

Which truth do you mean?
Objective or subjective?
Can we ever know?

Monday, 13 October 2014

So much for a new leaf

As Marvin said: "Life?
Don't talk to me about life."
Shit done hit the fan.

That was a pity;
In the ensuing bustle
I forgot the blog.

No haikus again.
Rename it "Haikuless blog"
At least that's truthful!