Monday, 21 April 2014


The phone is screening
E-mails remain unanswered.
Where is my big sis?

Has the snot monster
Returned to wreak its vengeance?
I really hope not!

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Head Cold

The snot runs freely
Is interspersed by sneezes
And coughs and wheezes.

The end of winter,
Immune system is flagging.
I am easy prey!

Invasion by bugs.
They multiply, run riot,
They're unwanted guests!

Temperature goes up.
I sweat and then I shiver
Appetite has gone.

I wheeze and I cough,
Involuntarily share
My cold with others.

It's three days coming,
Three with me and another
Three days to leave me.

But what is a day?
Sneezes, snot and a fever
Mess about with time.

The sore throat has gone,
Nausea and headache too.
So it runs its course.

In the meantime I
Feel sorry for myself and
Long for summer sun.